Community-Based Business in Bangladesh

Community-Based Business in Bangladesh

Community-based businesses play a vital role in the economic and social fabric of Bangladesh. These enterprises, often rooted in local traditions and driven by community needs, have the potential to foster sustainable development, reduce poverty, and promote social cohesion. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of community-based businesses in Bangladesh, their impact on local economies, and the challenges and opportunities they face.

Understanding Community-Based Businesses

Community-based businesses are enterprises that are owned, operated, and managed by local community members. These businesses prioritize social and environmental goals alongside economic objectives, ensuring that the benefits of their activities are felt within the community. Common examples include cooperatives, social enterprises, and locally-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In Bangladesh, community-based businesses often emerge in rural areas where traditional livelihoods such as agriculture, fishing, and handicrafts are prevalent. These businesses leverage local resources, skills, and knowledge to create products and services that cater to both local and external markets.

The Economic Impact of Community-Based Businesses

The Economic Impact of Community-Based Businesses

  1. Job Creation and Income Generation: One of the most significant contributions of community-based businesses is job creation. By providing employment opportunities within the community, these enterprises help reduce poverty and improve living standards. For instance, a cooperative of farmers can collectively market their produce, ensuring better prices and steady income for its members.
  2. Local Economic Development: Community-based businesses contribute to the local economy by circulating money within the community. When community members purchase goods and services from local businesses, the money stays within the area, fostering economic growth and stability. This multiplier effect can lead to the development of local infrastructure and services, further enhancing the community’s quality of life.
  3. Empowerment of Marginalized Groups: Many community-based businesses in Bangladesh focus on empowering marginalized groups, such as women and ethnic minorities. These enterprises provide training, resources, and support to help these groups develop entrepreneurial skills and become financially independent. For example, women’s cooperatives involved in handicrafts or food processing can significantly improve their members’ economic and social status.
  4. Promotion of Sustainable Practices: Community-based businesses often prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship. By adopting eco-friendly practices and utilizing local resources responsibly, these enterprises contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the preservation of local ecosystems. For instance, community-led initiatives in sustainable agriculture or eco-tourism promote environmental awareness and responsible resource management.

Community-Based Business in Bangladesh: Case Studies

Community-Based Business in Bangladesh

Successful Community-Based Businesses in Bangladesh

  1. Grameen Bank: Founded by Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank is a pioneering microfinance institution that provides small loans to the rural poor, particularly women. By empowering individuals to start their own businesses, Grameen Bank has helped millions of families escape poverty and build sustainable livelihoods.
  2. BRAC: As one of the largest NGOs in the world, BRAC has implemented numerous community-based programs in Bangladesh. Its social enterprises, such as Aarong (a retail chain for handicrafts) and BRAC Dairy, support local artisans and farmers by providing market access and fair prices for their products. These initiatives have not only improved the income levels of community members but also preserved traditional crafts and promoted sustainable agriculture.
  3. Grameen Shakti: This social enterprise focuses on providing renewable energy solutions to rural communities in Bangladesh. By promoting solar energy, biogas, and improved cooking stoves, Grameen Shakti has improved energy access for millions of people while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.

Challenges Faced by Community-Based Businesses

Despite their numerous benefits, community-based businesses in Bangladesh face several challenges that hinder their growth and sustainability.

  1. Access to Finance: Limited access to finance is a significant barrier for many community-based businesses. Traditional banks often consider these enterprises too risky and are reluctant to provide loans. Although microfinance institutions and government programs offer some support, the funding available is often insufficient to meet the needs of these businesses.
  2. Lack of Technical and Managerial Skills: Many community-based businesses struggle with a lack of technical and managerial skills. Without adequate training and support, these enterprises may find it challenging to improve their productivity, manage their operations efficiently, and compete in the market.
  3. Market Access: Gaining access to larger markets is another major challenge. Community-based businesses often lack the resources and networks needed to reach urban and international markets. This limits their growth potential and reduces their ability to generate higher incomes for community members.
  4. Regulatory and Bureaucratic Hurdles: Navigating the complex regulatory environment in Bangladesh can be daunting for community-based businesses. Lengthy and cumbersome procedures for business registration, licensing, and compliance can create significant barriers to entry and growth.
  5. Inadequate Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure, such as inadequate roads, electricity, and communication networks, can hinder the operations of community-based businesses. This is particularly true in rural areas, where many of these enterprises are located.

Opportunities for Growth and Development

Opportunities for Growth and Development

Despite these challenges, there are several opportunities for the growth and development of community-based businesses in Bangladesh.

  1. Government Support and Policy Interventions: The government can play a crucial role in promoting community-based businesses by creating a conducive policy environment. This includes simplifying regulatory procedures, providing financial incentives, and investing in infrastructure development. Additionally, government programs that offer training and capacity-building support can help enhance the skills of community-based entrepreneurs.
  2. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the public and private sectors can create new opportunities for community-based businesses. For example, large corporations can source products from community-based enterprises, providing them with access to larger markets and stable income streams. Public-private partnerships can also facilitate technology transfer and innovation, helping these businesses improve their productivity and competitiveness.
  3. Access to Technology and Digital Platforms: Leveraging technology can help community-based businesses overcome some of their challenges. Digital platforms can provide these enterprises with access to new markets, improve their supply chain management, and enhance their marketing efforts. For instance, e-commerce platforms can enable rural artisans to sell their products directly to urban and international customers.
  4. Capacity Building and Skill Development: Investing in capacity building and skill development is crucial for the growth of community-based businesses. Training programs that focus on technical skills, business management, and marketing can help these enterprises improve their operations and compete more effectively in the market.
  5. Social and Environmental Certifications: Obtaining social and environmental certifications can enhance the marketability of products from community-based businesses. Certifications such as Fair Trade, organic, and eco-friendly labels can help these enterprises attract ethically-conscious consumers and gain access to premium markets.


Community-based businesses in Bangladesh have the potential to drive sustainable development, reduce poverty, and promote social cohesion. By leveraging local resources, skills, and knowledge, these enterprises create jobs, generate income, and contribute to the overall well-being of their communities.

However, to fully realize their potential, community-based businesses need support in overcoming the challenges they face. This requires concerted efforts from the government, private sector, civil society, and international organizations. By creating a conducive policy environment, investing in capacity building, and facilitating access to markets and finance, stakeholders can help community-based businesses thrive and contribute to the sustainable development of Bangladesh.

As we look to the future, it is essential to recognize the importance of community-based businesses and invest in their growth and development. By doing so, we can build resilient communities, strengthen local economies, and create a more inclusive and sustainable society for all.

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