We are at a glance

Pushing the limits...

Ensuring sustainibiity with safety of food products. Beyond FMCG, Mariners Group of industries is expanding into new industries,

Connecting the dots...

Our Brands that evolving

Expending our mission to Real Estate Industry

Mariners Group is proud to introduce MOHS (Mariners Officers Housing Society)—a dedicated housing society designed exclusively for the Mariners Family. This visionary project aims to provide modern accommodations with world-class facilities, ensuring a comfortable and secure living environment. MOHS will feature state-of-the-art infrastructure, sustainable living solutions, and community-focused amenities that cater to the unique needs of mariners and their families. By prioritizing quality, affordability, and a strong sense of community, we are committed to creating a residential space that reflects our values of excellence, integrity, and well-being.

“MOHS is our commitment to providing the Mariners Family with a modern, secure, and comfortable living experience.”

Shamim Ahmed

Managing Director, Mariners Group of Industries

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